Increase Even Faster:
Rapidly earn a higher leadership level and increase your number of bonuses!
If you are extremely serious about rapidly earning yourself a higher leadership level within CAPRA, along with that dramatically increased share of the civil damages award expected, not to mention all of those many more extra recruitment bonus shares, then in addition to just posting new posts upon all the various "family rights" and "parental rights" groups and forums, we strongly recommend that you also actively post your own recruitment messages out to the general public, because this issue (family court injustice) literally affects two-thirds of the entire American population these days, so also post your alert messages:
- as a new comment into already-established threads upon your "family rights" and "parental rights" groups - in other words, your brand new post onto a group may only be seen by your existing "friends", and never noticed by all the others in that given group, but if you add your alert message as a new comment onto somebody else's heavily-discussed post, that already has tons of comments from other people, then every single one of those other people will get a direct copy of your message;
- as new posts or comments into many various Facebook "family rights" and "parental rights" and "children's rights" event pages - where activists are constantly planning either "local" or "regional" or "national" or "simultaneous" events for parental rights;
- onto the "comments" areas of one or more relevant articles upon your local FoxNews TV website (ABC, CBS, NBC and others are not very sympathetic to the pleas about family court injustice, hence those places may actually delete your messages, but the FoxNews family of stations is sympathetic to this issue and will not very likely delete your comments, so you will actually reach MANY people, and very quickly);
- onto the "comments" areas of relevant articles on your local newspaper websites, and the same upon newspaper websites for your surrounding major metro cities;
- onto the "comments" areas of relevant stories on the really big and large "national" newspaper websites, such as online stories about the latest celebrity embroiled in a family court mess, i.e., on USA Today, on the NY Times, and so forth and so on;
- for that matter, onto the big celebrities' own websites, and various entertainment-related websites, where tens of thousands of people are talking daily, because again, probably two-thirds of all those people have already been wrongfully impacted by some family court process in one way or another;
- likewise as above, upon the public areas of websites for any radio stations, the most popular online magazines, and so forth and so on;
- onto the "free items" section of your local, matching Craigslist classified ads website, and also upon any other free areas of classified ads websites that you know about;
- into OTHER "rights" groups and forums, because in the same way, it doesn't matter if all of those people are currently talking about gun rights or banning guns, or pro-choice/pro-life issues, or environment/drilling issues, or whatever else.. roughly two-thirds of ALL of those people (regardless which side of that other issue they are on) have been already impacted by some family court process in one way or another;
- and, well, you get the idea.. wherever there's LOTS of people already.. because no matter where there are lots of people already, probably two-thirds of them will be interested in your message - because they want justice for those children.
More importantly, if you are one of the very special first 343 CAPRA Members to reach "State" leadership level across the nation, then, guess what?!? We will be contacting you promptly, give you special 'admin' rights for the corresponding State-level groups under the CAPRA banner, and then - at your option - also be officially listed online (on this website) as one of the official "State" leaders for your own State, which means all of a sudden, all the local TV reporters in your area will want to do a "personal interest" story about YOU and YOUR family court case! And so then everyone in your television broadcasting area will learn about your wayward family court that completely violated you and YOUR child/ren, and so you will have ALREADY WON (probably even *before* we actually file the class action lawsuit in Washington, DC). All you need to do is just be one of the first 343 people to recruit just seventy-five others into CAPRA, and from *anywhere* in the entire country! If you follow all the above suggestions as to what kinds of places to now go post your own recruitment message with your Code, you can literally reach "State" level within just 24 hours from now... All you have to do is simply be serious enough about getting your justice and your life and child/ren back, by spending a couple hours online, and you will surely win BIG and SOON. Go for it!
Let Freedom Ring Loud & Clear!
Note: This website is under constant construction. So, please don't hesitate to come check back often for important updates, especially by also double-checking the Case News page.